Message From Helen

Quick Tips
It makes a lot of sense to make a decision and stick with a single direction if you really want to get what you say you want. Bright shiny objects are VERY distracting and if you keep chasing them, you will never really get what you said you really want. Too many people are totally sidetracked by all of these distractions and they end up looking for what they say they want in a negative place I call "The Next Big Thing".
Have you ever noticed how the people that play only one game excel and thrive in that environment? Look around you!! Do you have people in your life that are sticking to a positive direction and getting results? Or, are you just watching, listening and not getting very far with you own goals? Does it seem like nothing is coming together for you? If that sounds familiar, you are stuck in an old pattern that is preventing you from moving forward in your life and you may not even realize that it's happening – it's just that every day, every week and all of the years are the same. Stress, pain, fatigue and fear often stop the flow of any positive direction that we may started going in. It's a good idea to have a good hard look to what might be stopping you in your life.
Behavior transformation coaching gives your children the opportunity to grow up in a fully supportive, lovely way, knowing that life is a continuous process of learning and growing. An added benefit, is that they become a huge blessing to THEIR families and employers when they reach adulthood.
Feature Article – Empowering The Family Man Chapter 3
Practitioner: Helen Brougham Helen Brougham has been professionally massaging clients for over 20 years. She has a unique holistic approach to remedial, pregnancy and therapeutic massage on its own, or by using her coaching expertise to help people uncover what is blocking their path to them successfully making changes to excel in their health, their family and their passion to have a full life of Love, Peace and Joy.
Practitioner: Lara Brougham Lara has been professionally massaging for over 10 years. She specialises in ankle, back and shoulder injuries as well as healing clients with lower back pain. Even the oldest of our clients, who are 90 years old, down to the youngest such as 5 year old children, have aches and pain problems. Lara makes a huge amount of difference so they can sleep at night and start enjoying life again
Pregnancy & Massage

- Midwife is a group of dedicated people that are there for you during a natural birth at home with your family in your own environment.
- The hospitals have classes and are great for Mums and Dads-to-be to go to so that both can make an informed decision about what you want.
- Naturopathy is a natural approach and natural remedies for morning sickness and labour.
- Calmbirth is an amazing group of people that have workshops for both Mum and Dads together to attend. They can provide a wonderfully positive influence and help inspire confidence.
Many Mums don’t realize that they have experienced their own birth so they already know about that experience. Dads-to-be have their own birth experience too! It’s best if there are no expectations of what the birth is going to be like, as each birth is as unique as the child being born.
Remember people will be happy to tell you about all the things that went wrong during their pregnancy or birth. They want to make sure that you are aware of the bad things that happened to them. Thanks, but no thanks. Ask them to tell you something that was wonderful about that time.
It does happen regularly to pregnant mums. Without even asking they will continuously be part of negative, fearful conversations. It’s about time for us to work together to turn this around and give pregnant Mums positive support and help.
Many Mums carry lots of stress and anxiety from their pregnancies. The best thing for them to do is seek coaching and have regular massage to release it because the baby and older children do pick up how mum and dad are feeling.
Most Mums are coming from a really good place in their heart when they talk about their pregnancy and childbirth experiences. It’s a natural thing for women to want to help. But, it is better to refrain from talking about all of the things that could go wrong. It doesn’t help anyone and causes all sorts of unnecessary stress. Take a minute to think about how you felt when someone shared that kind of information with you when you were pregnant.
Caring and supporting each other in more positive ways would be more beneficial. Your parents are here to support you as they were supported by their parents. Being pregnant and having a baby hasn’t changed all that much. I’m going to share a “grandmother secret” with you … your parents are actually more in tune with what is going on because of all the experience they gained having and raising their own children.
The next time you are spending some quiet time with your mum at a quiet time ask her how your own birth went. Ask your Dad about his experiences when you were born. Parents will gladly share their experiences with their children. It’s really important to remember that you are not going to have all the problems that are on the internet or on TV.
If you have physical issues going on, this is not the time for self-diagnosis. The best thing to do is seek professional help from licensed practitioners that know how to help a stressed mum. Remember that babies can get stressed even in the womb. Mum and baby are healthier, pregnancies and birthing are easier when both Mum and baby are contented and relaxed. Mums who have just given birth need their rest. When baby is healthy and calm, mum gets to sleep more and that helps her stay healthy and calm too!
Empowering You and Your Family
Click Here to Purchase "Empowering You and Your Family" From Amazon!!
"Empowering You and Your Family" can be purchased on Amazon, CreateSpace, iBookstore/iTunes for your iPad, Kindle, Android, and other tablets and soon a teleseminar series – “Empowering Your Family Blueprint”
We all love retail therapy (I don’t think we do as much as the media people would like us to think that we do) and there are times do it, times to not go near a shop and a time to put your credit card in a small bucket of water in the freezer.
The best time to go shopping is after you have eaten. If we don’t eat, we are hungry and we buy more food (usually everything that we shouldn’t be eating). Advertising and media encourages you to go shopping when you’re upset, sad or angry. The retailers love that message because you spend more and more. The banks love it because your credit card balance goes up and up. And, if you don’t pay off the balance every month, you pay a ton of interest to the bank!
If you go shopping when you are sad, angry or upset, most of the time the things you bought will not fit, they are not your size , you really don’t need another, it’s something you never wanted, it is not your colour. And, once the rush of buying is over you don’t feel any better at all.
Once you’re over why you are upset, you start feeling something they call buyer’s remorse. That’s when the stress and upset of spending too much money on stuff you didn’t need or want sets in. It’s when people start totally stressing out about how they are going to pay for these things at the end of the month.
I can talk about this because I’ve done it myself and it was a challenge to fix all of the damage I did. If you’ve done your share of retail therapy I would love to know your story and what you did to fix the problem. Please stop by my Facebook page and let me know. I’m looking forward to hearing your story and suggestions … they may help someone who is going through exactly what you went through!
Tell A Friend
What Do You Do When You Find Out That A Friend Is Sick and May Even Be Dying?
It is really scary to find out that a friend is unwell. After we find out what’s going on, the next thing we want to know is what we can do to help!
A good way to figure that out is to ask yourself what you would like to have someone do for you if you were the one that’s unwell. Would you want to be left alone? Would you like for that person to contact you and offer their support? Would you like someone to bring a meal to you? You could even ask your friend what would work best and how you can support them!!
You could call and have a coffee with them if they are up to it. What if you found out that their husband was struggling with his memory, how could you be a fabulous friend?
Massage is amazing. It helps relieve pain, fatigue, overwhelm and helps people process the shock of what is happening in their lives. It is devastating for someone to find out they or their spouse of many years has suddenly been diagnosed with a horrible disease. Massage can help them process and release the shock that is stored in their muscles, helping them relax physically and mentally. It is a wonderful gift that you can offer to give them.
As you look back over time, you can see things that were there, things that now add up to… hmmm … THAT’s when something changed for my friend …do for them what you would want to have someone do for you. Be a great friend!
Please keep in mind, you will not catch anything from being a great friend. Be a great friend and say something to them. Let them know that you care and are there for them 🙂
Thank You!!!
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Facebook: chelseamassage and click "Like" to get your free gift
YouTube Channel: ChelseaNow
Website: Chelsea Massage Clinic
Our App: Chelsea Massage Clinic (coming soon)
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What’s New
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Quite a few people have been asking about more access outside of the Clinic, a place where you can ask questions. Soon we will have an Inner circle group in a private area.
If you have a comment or would like to know more about someting or would like to talk about a subject that will benefit yourself and others, I would encourage you send me an email, I would love to hear from you. It’s time to step forward into the life you want.
Please let me know at
You know I love you coming in for a massage because I can listen to you face to face and give you the help and support you need. But, it is quite different being online. I always think to myself, “Does anybody read this? Did I upset anybody? Did they just delete the email or did the newsletter inspire someone? Did I leave people feeling empowered?”
I have to admit that I don’t say very much about myself. So I am guilty of withholding myself. This is an opportunity for me to step up and out into my life too. The only thing I ask of anyone joining the Inner Circle is that they be committed to living positive, calm, loving, successful lives by taking a down-to-earth approach to everything.
You may be asking what I mean. So allow me to explain … Keeping up with the Joneses doesn’t work. Getting sucked into what the media and advertising says you have to have to be awesome doesn’t work. Taking a down-to-earth approach to life is about you being yourself, doing what is best for you and your family so that everyone experiences love, peace and joy in their lives. It is also about being in communication, being open and connected.
Massage Vouchers
When you give a massage gift voucher, it's a really nice thing to do! When the person comes in they are excited, yet a little nervous. This is normal for us all, but they know they are in good hands because you come here too, so it's like you said, "This is the place and you will feel great just like I do!"
The Chelsea Massage website has had a face lift; there is more to find and read and spend a little time being with us.
Check out our Gift Vouchers Page now to order over the phone and we will post the Gift Voucher out to you, send as a present to your family member, or you can come into the office and pick up your Gift Voucher for a loved one.
Phone Service: 08 8364 6088
Make an appointment anytime from 6 a.m. – 10 p.m. 7 days a week, including holidays
Clinic Open: Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Sunday Closed
Chelsea Massage Clinic is closed long weekends and holidays
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Tagged as: Chelsea Massage and Reflexology Clinic Adelaide SA, Chelsea Massage Newlsetter, ChelseaMassage,, Empowering Apps, empowering you and your family, helen brougham, Helen Brougham Author,, pregnancy massage, remedial massage