Intro: Message from Helen – “Have You Been Watching The Block on TV?”
Quick Tip: Tip# 6: Should You Exercise When You are Sick?
Tip #9: Are You Watching All the Doom and Gloom?
Feature Article: “Money and the Game It Plays on You” $$$$$ — Part 3 of 4
Get Those Workers Working for You and Keep Them All
Talk About: Pregnancy Massage – Awareness of Fatigue Before and During
Happy Father’s Day!
Helen Recommends: Looking After Your Body with Massage
Tell A Friend: Share to Help Others
Welcome: New Readers to the Chelsea Massage Community
Massage Gift Vouchers
Dates: Exciting News! The Book Is at the Publisher!!
Message From Helen
Have you been watching The Block on TV?
The two sisters were painting the outside of their home and Amie could not lift her arm.
Concerned about what the pain was, they drove to the hospital to have an x-ray. Now do you remember what the outcome was? Amie had strained her muscles at the top of her shoulder and arm, forearm, hand and fingers. The pain was from painting the wall. Because her body was not used to doing this type of work, her muscles overloaded and went into muscle spasms and locked up.
This is a common injury we have here at Chelsea Massage. From Mum picking up the children, lifting boxes and twisting around, neck pain from carrying heavy bags, sitting at the desk every day, every week, every month and every year — it continues to overload the muscles and then they have become painful as they become tighter. It is not a spine thing, but a muscle problem.
Quick Tips
Tip #6: Should you exercise when you’re sick?
Many think that if they keep exercising they will get rid of their cold. Often the body gets a flu or virus because it has become run down and is in fatigue or injury mode. We have had all this heavy coughing, painful, sharp catching in the throat, and sneezing from all the flus and viruses. Every cough causes the muscles in your back, neck, shoulders, ribs and stomach to expand outwards rapidly, which causes all your muscles to become painful on movement, strained and hurt when you breathe in and out. Massage is a great way to loosen all the muscles and release any remaining effects from being sick. Many are nearly over their cold, then have been falling sick with the same virus over again.
Tip #9: Are you watching all the Doom and Gloom?
How do you stay positive when so much is going on around you? Newspapers, TV and magazines have to play up their stories to get you in so you will buy more. Watching and talking to positive people keeps you on track in what you are doing in your life. Many people get hooked on what people tell them and don’t do their own research. Research, research and research. Stay within your means to have an easier life.
Let us know of all the ways we can help you by completing this important, short survey that can be found at
Feature Article
“Money and the Games It Plays on You” $$$$$$$
I am on a Mission! I have done lots of courses around creating income to be debt free, have money in the bank, and no more worrying about that big bill coming in. Is Money working for me or am I working for it — Money?
We all have it, but what you do with the problem is what I would like to take to the next level.
This is a 4 part series on “Money and the Games It Plays on You”.
Part 3 of a 4 Part Series
In the July Newsletter we talked about a game that you and Money play. July was about your expenses and what you are paying for. Did you find you’re paying more than you thought? I found I could add an extra $100.00 per fortnight to our home loan to make it go down quicker. Also, one of my accounts had $2.50 coming out for the last six months and I didn’t even know what for! So I got the bank to stop that money coming out.
Your little workers — every $1.00 is a worker. You are a worker to get the money; you have to work in your job to do things for your boss to bring in the money so he / she can pay you.
At the moment, money has been put in places that are going down, e.g. sharemarket business, and DVDs and book shops. There are many people that say they have the answer, but who said to put it there?
Do you have a home loan? If so, add up the interest you pay per month, multiply that by 12 months, then multiply that by the number of years you have been paying for your home (I am not giving you financial advice; you should always seek your own information).
I did not say it was going to be easy, but look at the problem head-on and take your power back! Remember, all that advertising to get you in is not working on you anymore!
Change the TV station when the commercials come on; yes, sometimes there are commercials on every station. That is no accident either!
Stop watching the doom and gloom; boring stories do not sell papers and don’t get you pulled in. If you get pulled into the stories, and advertisers want you to buy something to make you feel better — after 5 minutes of this you’ll buy anything; even though you know you will end up feeling worse. Then, after getting it home, you hide it from the family because you feel guilty. This is when it is really easy to go and eat stuff to make those feelings better. That doesn’t work either! Just don’t watch those programs! The other day an accountant said he watches sports, and this was an easy way to get excited and feel like he was being a part of a game.
Have a look at paying off your debts, your credit cards first. First, start with the smallest amount on a credit card. After you pay that one off, close the account. Now add that money to the next debt; and one by one you’ll make your workers give you freedom. Keep going the same way on any other loans. Have a look at how much money you would have if you were debt FREE.
How many little workers could you gather to be more powerful than you have been, to get that amount of freedom in your life? And how would that help your relationships? Would you need to work full-time or could you go part-time, being debt free? Maybe even have the life you said would really be fabulous! Or an overseas holiday… You know you can have it!
Many are avoiding the truth of the debt they have. Be brave and take control. Are you going to choose avoidance or freedom?
You are the gate keeper!
Next month you’ll read Part 4 of a 4-part series. Bringing this home. Really getting what you want instead of just talking about it!
It would be great to hear any comments or questions! Are you doing the exercises? What have you experienced as we’ve gotten up to the last part of this 4 part series? Any questions or discoveries in your own life that you did not know about yourself before?
You don’t have to give your name when you complete the survey. I can only help you by you sharing what is happening for you.
Go to the website and then click on the Facebook icon if you would like to share what you experienced or what problem you have that needs solving. Or you can email us at Be on the lookout in the next newsletter for more information about our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channel which are now up and running. I look forward to your comments! This Newsletter is to share with anyone you think might benefit from reading it, where we can help, and please keep the emails coming in! On the Facebook page there is a “Like” button that you can click on and you’ll find something else, just for you, there too!
About The Author: Helen Brougham
Helen Brougham has been professionally massaging clients for over 18 years. She has a holistic approach to therapeutic massage, using her coaching expertise to teach people how to successfully make changes in their health and personal lives.
Myofascial Cupping was recently added to her practice. Instead of using a flame to make the suction, myofascial cupping is a suction-type action which is much more gentle but still very powerful in releasing tension. Her passion is massaging and teaching Mums how to be calm and positive with themselves and with their children using the same massage techniques she uses in her Chelsea Massage clinic.
Practitioner: Lara Brougham
Lara has been professionally massaging for 10 years. She specialises in ankle, back and shoulder injuries as well as healing clients with lower back pain. Even the oldest of our clients, who is 96 years old, down to the youngest such as 5 year old children, have aches and pain problems. Lara makes a huge amount of difference so they can sleep at night and start enjoying life again.
You will not find this information in a book, it comes from my experiences. Lara and I would like to find out how we can help you by asking you to take this short survey by clicking here:
Thank you to the many of you who have filled out the survey. Please, any others who would like to complete the short survey, we would appreciate your thoughts. This is the way we get to more of what you really want and need.
Pregnancy Massage
Remember that we also specialise in Pregnancy Massage.
We will share a little secret with you — remedial massage releases the aches and discomcomfort in your upper body but also smooths your aching feet, all while relaxing and energising you, leaving you feeling lighter and more comfortable. It’s all about having a relaxed, easy-going, fabulous experience being pregnant, and having a natural, relaxed and easy birth — and a sleeping, 8 hours a night, happy and healthy baby and Mum!
I don’t mean to alarm you but I have seen and heard many mums that are not coping well. All the dreadful stories are from parents not coping; the professionals know and can see all these reasons why, using big words for all the problems they have. In the UK health system, these mums are getting massage daily after birth.
If you are fatigued before and while pregnant, you’ll be fatigued when you’re going home from the hospital. You’re leaving yourself wide open to baby not sleeping, not feeding, sickness, being traumatised, a screaming babay and a worn out mum. You’ll not be coping well — and that could all be prevented. Getting that low is a real struggle to pull yourself out of; even with tablets it can take years.
From my experience as a mum of 4 children, watching many, many mums over the last nearly 20 years as a professional massage practitioner, and massaging pregnant mums all the way to mums with small children, adult children, my own 3 grandchildren at their start in life, and many of my friends and family members — regular massage turned around these Mums’ recovery very quickly.
Go to our Contact Page now to book a Pregnancy Massage.
Happy Father’s Day to the Dads!
Father’s Day is September 4th, and a day to celebrate your Dad and all the wonderful things about Dad! What does your Dad mean to you?
Often Dads work hard, bent over, rubbing or holding his back or rubbing his neck in pain, and groaning. Well, here’s your chance to give back to your Dad!
Your Dad’s muscles are tight and in pain, and when he moves it hurts. There is a way to help your Dad by giving him a Remedial Massage Gift Voucher for Father’s Day.
Dad will feel 10 times younger, happier and chilled out! When was the last time your Dad was relaxed? I bet it’s been awhile!
Here at Chelsea Massage, we want Dads to feel special! There’s just two weeks to go and time is moving fast so make your appointment soon. We can take credit cards over the phone from interstate and overseas family members and we can send a beautiful gift voucher card to you or your Dad overnight, if the family is here in Adelaide. Contact us for futher information!
Helen Recommends
Looking After Your Body with Massage
Your mission is to contact us to schedule your remedial massage appointment at Chelsea Massage. Get rid of all the tightness and muscle pains in your neck, hip, shoulder, back, ankles, and many other places. Those niggles at the gym won’t get better by doing more stretching and weight lifting. You may not have you noticed that you need some massages to loosen up the fibres in your muscles so the muscles will stretch instead of tear. Injuries stop you from doing everything you want. It’s time for you to get your remedial massages and then you can keep doing what you love!
Take advantage of our great offer and keep your body and mind happy. One massage a month for 12 months — your health investment of $1320 to be happy, relaxed and pain-free from now on using the Holistic Muscle Health Massage.
When you are relaxed, happy and comfortable you make better choices each day, you become more productive and get what you want done quickly and more easily because you have energy, not PAIN.
Being open, loving and feeling good makes others around you feel happy too.
Tell A Friend
We always appreciate you telling others about our Newsletter. Please feel free to forward our Newsletter to family and friends — anyone who you think would benefit from information about Chelsea Massage.
Welcome To The Chelsea Massage Community
Lara and I would like to welcome all our new readers to the Chelsea Massage community! We are delighted you’re now a member of our fast growing community. This community values their mind, body, health and vitality. They want to know how to make more money, feel relaxed, feel contented within themselves, enjoy life with ease, work less, have more fun in their business, and enjoy time out with their family. 🙂
You can connect with us to learn more and keep up to date with the latest information by going here:
Facebook: chelseamassage and click “Like” to get your free gift
YouTube Channel: ChelseaNow
Website: Chelsea Massage Clinic
Massage Vouchers
When you give a massage gift voucher, it’s a really nice thing to do! When the person comes in they are excited, a little nervous, but they know they are in good hands because you come here too, so it’s like you said, “This is the place and you will feel great just like I did!”
Check out our Gift Vouchers Page now to order a Gift Voucher for a loved one.
Coming Soon: My Book is at the Publisher!
The cover design for the book has been locked in, we’re starting on the website this week, and will get a draft of the book by the next newsletter!
The Gift of Love, Peace and Joy,
“Empowering You and Your Family”
The Down to Earth Approach
to Love, Peace and Joy